emergency, environmental safety, technogenic object, reservoirs, oil storage, nanocomposite, carbon fiber inclusionsAbstract
The crusial issue today is to ensure the reliability of operation and trouble-free operation of oil storage systems. One of the main causes of explosions and fires in oil storage tanks (reservoirs) is the static electricity generated in the pipeline during the oil transportation. As a result, electrostatic charges introduced into the tank together with the oil, creating еру electric field and, respectively, the conditions for the spark breakdown of the gas space above the oil surface. Static electricity discharges in flammable environments could cause explosions and fires. It is important to create the new hybrid nanocomposite that effectively shields from electromagnetic fields, has high electrical conductivity and is mechanically strong. The paper treats the properties of composites and nanocomposites with disordered and ordered systems of carbon fiber inclusions, which could be used to neutralize static electric charges that occur in oil storage and could lead to emergencies. The series of nanocomposite materials based on epoxy matrix with carbon fillers of different placement methods has been studied. The dependence of the strength characteristics of the nanocomposite material on the method of placing carbon nanofillers, as well as the level of filling the matrix with inclusions has been found and investigated with the help of the software package. It has been established that the filler use in the form of carbon fibers demonstrates the growth of material strength characteristics in the direction of the fibers. Complete structured ordering of nanofibers further increases the strength properties in the main direction of the fibers location, but does not significantly reduce the strength characteristics in the other two directions. The results of research prove that the use of carbon nanofibers to create the high-quality nanocomposite is appropriate and could be used to neutralize static electric charges that occur in oil storage and could lead to emergencies.
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