
  • K.V. VALKO



metric space, distance between points, rectilinear placement of points, angular characteristic, flat placement of points, tetrahedron


The work is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model of the image of geometric images in metric spaces using the basic concepts of metric geometry. The main feature of this geometry is the ability to use only one characteristic that is established between the points of the metric space - the distance between them. This imposes significant limitations on the study of metric geometry, and increases the complexity of analytical relationships between its basic geometric images - rectilinear placement of points, flat placement of points, angle and its numerical characteristics. Images of classical geometric figures of Euclidean geometry - a triangle, tetrahedron and so on, can have quite unusual shapes and properties in metric geometry. A significant advantage of this geometry is a significant level of generality, which allows from one point of view to consider both classical Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geometries. The significant development of metric geometry in our time is due to its numerous applications in various fields of science and engineering. The complexity of analytical transformations is partially offset by the possibility of applying modern computer technology and computer visualization of geometric images. One of the obstacles to the use of computer visualization is the need to use formulas for calculating the distances between points of a metric space in the Cartesian coordinates of these points. Modern software for displaying geometric images uses mainly the specified coordinates of points. This makes it difficult to geometrically interpret these images and transform them. The paper proposes formulas for the transition from the values of the distance between the points of the metric space to their Cartesian coordinates in the case of a geometric image of a tetrahedron. This image plays a significant role in establishing the facts of rectilinear and flat placement of points in space and makes it possible to visualize the influence the metric of space on its geometric properties. The results software uses both standard computing and visualization tools (Excel spreadsheets, GeoGebra 3D dynamic geometric environment) and individual computer applications to calculate the volume of a tetrahedron by the lengths of its edges.


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