



ship power system, propulsive complex, optimization, regulator, dynamic positioning, ship diesel generator


To ensure effective control of the ship's electric power system (SEPS) while stabilizing the movement of the vessel in conditions requiring the use of dynamic compensation of disturbances, in particular waves and wind, it is necessary to implement a method of dynamic compensation. In this case, the conditions for wind, wave loads and currents are not limited. Considering the tonnage and design features of ships, the creation of a control system that is invariant to disturbances is an extremely difficult task. In general, the general optimization task includes the problems of optimal control of the propulsion complex, optimal control of diesel generators, optimal control of ship's electric power system according to the criterion of minimum generalized work, and quasi-optimal regulation in ship's electric power system. The peculiarities of the operation of the propulsion complex of the vessel significantly change the load on the propulsion electric motors (ship propulsion complex), which leads to the need to create special systems for maneuvering and control of the ship's electric power system. The advantage of electric propulsion systems, in contrast to diesel ones, is the ability to flexibly redistribute power between the drive motors, high accuracy and speed, which is the most important factor for vessels with dynamic positioning. In this case, the main task of such a system is optimal control according to the criterion of minimum generalized work. The paper considers the problems of optimizing the operation of diesel generators with a limitation from the side of the stability of the screw stop. It is shown that to ensure the stability of the screw stop, it is necessary to use the methods of optimal control according to the criterion of the maximum speed of response. We also analyzed the hypothesis of convexity of the functional of the goal and controllability of constraints, which makes it possible to implement the Pontryagin maximum principle and Bellman's principle and to determine the dependence of the quality of regulation on the control resource. The solution of the ship's electric power system optimal control problem corresponds to the criterion of minimum generalized work, and the use of Bellman's principle makes it possible to implement in the future an adaptive controller that provides minimum control costs.


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