three-dimensional modeling, Square a person , a three-dimensional scanner, a polygonal model, a person's volume, obesityAbstract
Three-dimensional human models are the most realistic, reflect an anatomical structure, precisely transmit the relief and color features of the object, are subject to modification to change appearance. The 3D model is a multifactorial source of patient information, it allows to significantly reduce the required volume of interaction with the user compared to existing methods. The paper proposes to use three-dimensional simulation to determine the mass-weight characteristics of a person by its anthropometric parameters. To do this, use 3D scanners(body scanners for body digitization), which makes it possible to create a human body model in full height, as well as individual parts of the body. The use of trivist modeling for diagnostics has the following benefits: high operations of the survey; high reliability of diagnosis; the possibility of examining patients in various posters; High accuracy of measurement, archiving capability, contactless measurement method An analysis of the domain industry has been carried out. The formulas are given to calculate the body weight index, body volume, percentage of fat in the body, body area, percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body based on measuring parameters on a three-dimensional model. The method of determining the area of the body using a human polygonal model by finding the sum of the areas of components of triangles is proposed. The method of determining the volume of the body using a three-dimensional model of humans by performing slices by horizontal planes is proposed. As a result, a body segment is obtained. The resulting upper cut is trianged to replace the segment with triangular prisms. To do this, use vertical planes that are perpendicular to the base of the segment. Subsequently, the volumes of components of the triangular prism are found, which are replaced by segments. The sum of their volumes determines the volume of the segment. To find the volume of human body, the volumes of the components of the segments are summarized. The studies conducted can be used in medical practice.
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