



oil and gas prospects, integration of geospatial data, Bayesian probabilistic inference, Khukhrinskoye oil and gas condensate field


The main purpose of the research is to improve the accuracy and reliability of forecasting oil and gas promising zones and oil and gas objects. Cosmogeological studies are carried out to quickly assess the oil and gas content of prospecting areas at the stage preceding their introduction into exploratory drilling. Modern technologies for the use of Earth remote sensing materials in geological prospecting studies are based on integration with other geospatial data - cartographic, geological, geophysical, geochemical and others. This eliminates the subjectivity associated with the visual interpretation of satellite images. The integration of remote sensing and geological-geophysical spatial data makes it possible to automate the process of assessing the area under study and to establish its similarity with the reference areas (fields). The classification of the hypercube of remote data and geological and geophysical data allows you to determine the degree of similarity of the studied areas with the standards and rank them according to their prospects. A model for the integration of remote sensing and geological-geophysical data based on Bayesian probabilistic inference is proposed. When mapping oil and gas promising areas, the a priori and conditional probabilities of belonging of the raster elements of the data hypercube to a positive or negative standard are estimated, followed by the calculation of the posterior probability that each element belongs to a positive standard. The described model has been tested on the example of the Khukhrinsky oil and gas condensate field located in the Akhtyrsky district of the Sumy region of Ukraine. The deposit is characterized by a complex geological structure and all available heterogeneous geospatial data are included for its study. As a result of the performed integration of remote sensing and geological and geophysical data, a spatial distribution of the posterior probability was obtained, which can be interpreted as a comprehensive assessment of the oil and gas potential at the investigated area. The testing results correlate well with the previous geological forecasts.


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