ITS, smart city technologies, intelligent transport system, unmanned transport, transport planning, transport organization, correspondence matrix, infobus, intelligent transportAbstract
The proposed work considers a conceptual model for organizing transportation in an urban passenger information and transport system based on unmanned vehicles. Information and transport systems are a new generation of transport systems based on the active use of information technologies and intelligent algorithms for organizing the transportation process. A feature of the urban passenger information and transport system under consideration is that processes such as forecasting, planning and traffic management, on which the organization of the operation of any transport system is based, are carried out in real time, which allows the transport system to adaptively respond to changes in demand for transportation. The paper considers not only the structure and principles of the transport system, but also the structure and principles of its information component (single information server), which is the basis for making decisions and organizing transportation: the principles of building the process of collecting and analyzing applications for drawing up a plan for the transportation of passengers, which is formed not only taking into account the applications already registered in the system, but also taking into account the potential applications for transportation that may enter the transport system by the time the vehicle appears at the stopping point. A method for calculating the predicted value of the number of potential applications, used to draw up a transportation plan, is proposed, and the concept of its software implementation through the use of the capabilities of a time series database management system capable of high-performance data insertion is described, in which the flow of applications is recorded and stored as a discrete time series - a set of consecutive observations, each of which has its own time stamp, positioning it on the time axis. The proposed solutions pursue the goal of improving the quality and timeliness of passenger service and, at the same time, allow the most efficient use of the rolling stock and energy resources of the city passenger information and transport system.
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