computer modeling; tent construction; surface; spatial membranesAbstract
The work deals with the issue of computer modeling and some physical properties of modeled objects. Issues related to membrane awning structures, which are relevant nowadays, are also considered. Geometric modeling is considered as a direction of mathematical modeling, which includes the description of geometric images and the execution of certain operations on them in two-dimensional, three-dimensional or multidimensional space. The requirements for design tools and solving the problem of finding the optimal cutting of structural materials for the production of technical objects are analyzed. The characteristics of awning structures, the possibilities of forming, the use of various materials and the combined options of combining the awning with other materials are considered. The use of awning structures makes it possible to create not only small architectural forms, quickly assembled mobile structures that are easily transformed according to the change of functional purpose, but also to form new types of objects. Modern technologies combine the advantages of industrial construction methods with the individualization of the form, opening the way to the use of awning structures. Membrane coverings, as one of the modern trends in presenting a new form of roofing, create new spatial characteristics of architectural objects. Therefore, in order to solve the theoretical problems of calculating a high-quality awning structure, it is necessary to use special methods based on the use of the equilibrium state of membranes. Providing a wide variety of forms, this type of coating has wide prospects for use on a par with other architectural and structural systems. Ukraine has potential opportunities for the use of awning structures in the design of original objects. An informational model of commensuration of architectural form elements established on the basis of informational modularity of ratios of dimensional structure elements is proposed. The practical value of the method lies in the possibility of direct design of the awning surface, in contrast to other known methods, which proceed from rigid boundary conditions.
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