automated design, geometric modeling, computer information technologies, dome surfaces, Orthodox temples, structural-parametric shapingAbstract
The current stage of Ukraine's development is characterized by a difficult existing socio-economic situation associated with military operations on the territory of our state. Currently, a large number of people are rapidly spiritually returning to eternal Christian values. Therefore, in many cities and villages of the country, Orthodox temples and other religious buildings are being intensively revived, their restoration is being carried out, places of pilgrimage are being arranged, etc. At the same time, the issues of reforming church administration, proper reorganization, with the aim of improvement, of Christian communities in the form of dioceses and parishes are relevant. The successful implementation of these tasks is facilitated by the available computer information technologies, in particular, geometric modeling tools. The latter constitute one of the basic foundations of proper software for computer-aided design of various objects and processes. The domes crowning Christian temples play a special leading role in Orthodox architecture. For people, these building structures represent such heavenly images as God, angels, saints, etc. In this case, the applied volumetric-spatial architectural forms, which should have certain individuality, are quite important. This feature helps to increase the symbolic holiness of Orthodox temples, sets up parishioners for spiritual elevation and aspiration for their own human perfection when visiting them. Therefore, the study of many design variants for the researched domes and the choice of the optimal one from them is an actual scientific and applied task. The progressive trend in the outlined plan is the methodology of structural-parametric shaping. The following materials are a continuation of the author's previous research in the considered direction and develop the corresponding results previously covered in the literature. The article also defines the ways of further development of the proposed geometric models for the automated design of Orthodox temples, the improvement of the methods, techniques and algorithms used for this computer shaping.
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