distance learning system, higher education institution, information protection, Google Classroom, web technologies, administrationAbstract
The purpose of the research is to analyze the state of security of using Google Classroom at the Odesa Polytechnic University and changes in the administration of the educational platform for 2020-2022 in the conditions of forced quarantine, martial law and distance learning. The active implementation of distance learning requires research on information protection during data exchange and storage. One of the distance learning systems of Odesа Polytechnic National University is Google Classroom. The main advantage is free services, institution administration, login using a regular Gmail account. A carefully thought-out structure of administration and organization of the service is crucial to the effective management of the G Suite for Education account. An urgent problem is the creation of an educational space using web technologies and the organization of secure user access to resources. An important aspect is also the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the use of distance learning, which can be conducted in a synchronous or asynchronous form. In the work, a study of threats to the information security of Google Classroom distance learning web technologies for users and a comparison of administration measures in 2020-2022 was carried out. Various mechanisms and means of information protection, of an organizational, legal, technical and programmatic nature, are used to counter actual threats to the university's distance learning systems and to reduce risks within the permissible limits, which must take into account a number of features related to the process of their functioning. The distance education system of the university should be available to students, teachers and administrators around the clock. Ensuring protection against threats should be carried out both at the stage of designing and developing the distance education system itself, as well as during its operation and making, if necessary, timely adjustments. The administration of the distance education system of the Odesа Polytechnic National University was analyzed and the following conclusions and recommendations were made for improving information security.
Про затвердження Положення про дистанційне навчання
Про вищу освіту: Закон України від 27.10.2022
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