
  • S.V. BIHUN



simulation model, lubricator lubrication system, ship's main engine, control system, efficiency


The article is devoted to the development of a simulation model of the control system for the injection of cylinder lubricant of marine engines for conducting research on the processes in the lubrication system in different modes of operation, which will provide an opportunity to develop highly efficient and highly reliable algorithms for controlling the lubrication process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the model structure of the impulse lubricator lubrication system of the ship's main engine and build a simulation model of the lubrication process control system for the analysis of efficiency, survivability and reliability, development of optimal and adaptive control laws. The object of research is the process control system of impulse lubricator lubrication of ship's main engines. The subject of research is a simulation model of the process control system of impulse lubricator lubrication of ship's main engines. To achieve the goal, the work analyzed the structure of the pulse lubricator lubrication system and determined the functions and parameters of all system elements. It is noted that despite the use of the latest control and measurement tools and complex control algorithms, impulse lubricator lubrication systems still have unsolved problems, in particular with the influence of fuel parameters on the lubrication process and ensuring survivability in the event of emergency situations. A mathematical model of the components of the lubrication system was built, which describes their operation under different modes of operation. With the help of the software, a simulation model was implemented in the form of a simulator, which allows conducting experiments simulating different operating conditions of the lubrication system and the influence of various system parameters, such as lubricant pressure, temperature, lubricant viscosity, on lubrication efficiency. The developed simulation model of the lubrication system of the main engine allows to study the processes in the lubrication system under different conditions, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency and reliability of the lubrication system, find optimal control laws and improve the lubrication process.


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