



Mifflin-St. Jeor formula, balanced nutrition, mathematical problem of optimization


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one billion people in the world are overweight. Statistics show that this state of affairs does not depend on a person's social or professional affiliation, territory, age or gender. In Ukraine, on average, 20% of people of working age are obese, and 25% are overweight. The fact that the number of children and adolescents who become obese increases every year is also a cause for concern. Nutrition is important for the vital activity of the human body and is considered one of the most important factors that determine its health, physical and psycho-emotional state, which is why WHO considers obesity a global problem that increases the risk of diseases. Over the last decade, the problem of high-calorie nutrition has significantly worsened in the world, which, in combination with a decrease in physical activity due to technological progress and the resulting decrease in energy consumption, leads to an energy imbalance. One of the ways to get rid of excess weight is to eat with a deficit of calories. To do this, you need to know your daily norm of calories, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are several methods of determining this norm, which includes the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula. The purpose of the research is to develop a mathematical model that should make it possible to refine classic diets according to individual parameters of a person, such as age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity coefficient. At the first stage, we will consider the formula for calculating the daily norm of the number of calories. For this formula, the key parameters are age, weight, height, gender. For more accurate calculations, the activity coefficient is taken into account. The coefficient of physical activity is the ratio of the average daily energy expenditure of a person to the energy expenditure at rest, the so-called value of the basic metabolism. It is used to assess the sufficiency of movements in a particular way of life. For the calculation, the distribution of the time of the day typical for a given person by types of activities and the existing estimates of energy expenditure for them, expressed as a coefficient of the value of the basic exchange, are used for the calculation. The value of the main metabolism depends on the physical data of a person, and the coefficient of physical activity depends on his life. At the first stage, we will consider the formula for calculating the daily norm of the number of calories. For this formula, the key parameters are age, weight, height, gender. For more accurate calculations, the activity coefficient is taken into account. At the second stage, you need to calculate the daily amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. According to the Mifflin-St. Jeor method, the so-called corridor is determined, which takes into account the desired degree of weight reduction and is limited to minimum and maximum values. At the third stage of forming a balanced diet, it is necessary to select a list of food products and compile a table of the content of nutrients in these products. The mathematical problem of optimization was solved with the help of the built-in "Solver" tool of the MS Excel computer program. Based on the results of the actions performed in the table processor, we will get the solution to the problem of optimizing a balanced diet with a calorie deficit and summarize it in the corresponding table.


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