
  • V.V. DANYK




mathematical model, ship propulsive complex, differential drive, shaft generator, optimal control, regulator


The article is devoted to solving the problem of optimal control of ship combined propulsion systems with differential drive-generator units in order to increase their efficiency. The analysis of the structure of the ship propulsive complex as a hydromechanical system, including the ship's hull and propulsive installation, in which the energy of the working body is converted into an emphasis that drives the ship's hull, the substantiation of the prospects operating on one or more engines. The mathematical model of the control process of the ship combined propulsive complex is considered, which allows to analyze the operation of the shaft generator set with the differential drive-generator unit both in running and in emergency mode. The problem of control of ship combined propulsive complexes is formalized on the basis of the criterion of the generalized estimation of quality of their functioning that considers deviation of running load of a propulsive complex at restrictions concerning deviation of consumer’s power supply. A new method of optimal control of the frequency converter of the support generator is proposed, which ensures the minimization of a certain criterion with observance of the corresponding restrictions. The algorithm of optimal control of the combined propulsive complex includes: stages of the analysis of values of the set and operating mechanical power on the vessel propeller; determination of electric power produced by the auxiliary power plant of the vessel and consumed in the appropriate mode; calculation of control of the frequency converter, which provides by maintaining the appropriate power of the support generator, the minimum deviation of power on the propeller while ensuring the required energy balance of the ship's power supply Given the random nature of loads from the electrical system and directly to the propulsion system, which complicates the implementation of the presented algorithm for optimal control in real time, the feasibility of using fuzzy algorithms to improve the efficiency of control processes. The obtained results can be used in the construction of highly efficient control systems for marine combined propulsion systems, to improve the quality of electricity in the ship's energy system and to ensure the efficiency of the ship's power system in emergency situations.


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