nonlinear equation, electron beam, electron beam welding, seam depth, electron beamfocal diameter, high voltage glow discharge electron gunsAbstract
In the article a comparative analysis of methods for analytical and numerical calculation of the depth of a welding seam of metal products, during its welding in the soft vacuum by an electron beam, which is formed by high-voltage glow discharge guns, is provided. It is shown, that although the analytical method of calculation is simple and convenient, but, in the case of its use, the calculated dependences correctly reflect the dynamics of changing of the welding depth only in the case of low pressures and high acceleration voltage. In this case, the problem of ensuring the accuracy and adequacy of analytical calculations by using the simple relations is primarily due to the fact that the dependence of the electron beam diameter at the focus on its current isn’t taken into account. The proposed numerical calculation method allows to estimate the weld depth in a much wider range of operating pressures of the electron gun. To calculate the depth of the seam, the well-known simple analytical dependences were used, which allows to calculate the depth of metal penetration in the seam depending on its thermodynamic properties, as well as on the geometry and energy parameters of the electron beam. Accelerating voltage, beam current and focal diameter were considered as beam parameters. To providing analytical and numerical estimates was separately took into account the existing analytical dependences of the electron beam focal diameter on its current, as well as the dependence of the current of highvoltage glow discharge electron guns on the pressure in discharge chamber. Numerical calculations were carried out through the analysis of the functional dependence, which included the depth of the weld and the gas pressure in the discharge chamber of the gun as explicit parameters, and through the search for the zero value of this function by solving the corresponding nonlinear equation. Analysis of the behavior of the function in a given range of values of pressure and depth of the weld showed that such a formulation of the problem is quite correct by the mathematical point of view. The results of testing of analytical and numerical calculations for the dependence of the welding seam depth on the helium pressure in the discharge chamber of the gun, obtained for titanium products, have been presented and analyzed in the article.
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