



artificial transport structure, bridge, information technology, information model, BIM


BIM technology − information modeling technologies for buildings and structures at all stages of design, construction and operation, up to the demolition of structures. Using this technology allows you to combine the activities of specialists in various fields whose work is carried out with the introduction of software products, which allows modeling much cheaper and with less time, simplifies the processes associated with the visualization of the future object. The prevailing implementation of BIM in the field of civil engineering has become quite common, but in the field of construction of artificial transport facilities, the process of implementing these technologies is with a significant lag. Thus, it can be stated that the construction industry, together with related ones, tends to move to the production of drawings to generate and manage information as an intellectual, analytical asset, significantly changes the approach to all processes and shifts the emphasis from their linear step-by-step progress to more interactive process. It is worth noting that this does not always lead to a significant acceleration rather of a redistribution of priorities − the proportion of efforts spent on routine operations decreases, while the released resources can be directed to more intellectual and technological activities, focusing on the quality of design solutions, information models, analytical research, management. Also, the undeniable advantage of information modeling over CAD modeling is the ability to detect a much larger percentage of errors, collisions and inconsistencies within a single project. The problem of introducing BIM software systems is important and extremely relevant for design and construction companies in our country. An informational approach in project development opens up new horizons in the field of saving resources, especially financial and time ones. In this work, we will compare the areas of application of information modeling technology in civil engineering and in bridge building, as well as review specific areas of designing bridge structures in which the use of information models would give a significant positive effect.


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