additional groundwater replenishment, groundwater level, evaportanspiration, flooding, mathematical modeling of groundwater level changing, environmental safetyAbstract
In large cities, the technogenic impact factors on groundwater replenishment in several times higher than natural. Therefore, it is important to take into account natural and technogenic factors of groundwater influencing, to create mathematical models and forecasts to include it. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional modeling of groundwater level changing (GWL) processes will allow more clearly and objectively take into consideration the parameters of influencing GWL factors change in long-term forecasting. The aim is to increase the environmental safety level of areas prone to flooding by improving the forecasts of groundwater levels changes. On the basis of the Muftakhov A. Zh. equation the mathematical model has been developed, which allowed to obtain the solution of the formulated problem in a closed analytical form (in the form of series). It has been visualized the results and confirm the previously obtained data by the author of the impact of additional replenishment on the groundwater level using a traditional engineering approach. To model the process of GWL change in two-dimensional formulation, the filtration pressure equation in the case of flat filtration has been considered, which can be the basis for creating a mathematical model for describing GWL changes, which can take into account factors of artificial coverings and evapotranspiration. In many cities of Ukraine, the significant area is occupied by artificial coverings and structures that prevent natural processes of precipitation infiltration, evaporation and transpiration. Therefore, the modeling of changes in groundwater levels takes into account the existence of such areas that partially covered with artificial surfaces, where the influence of natural and technogenic factors will occur only on the undeveloped surface of this area. The necessity of creating three-dimensional mathematical models for describing the groundwater level changes and improving the forecasts of their changes has been substantiated. The three-dimensional mathematical model of groundwater level changing of urban areas has been developed, which takes into account atmospheric water infiltration, additional groundwater replenishment, transpiration, evaporation, evapotranspiration, and groundwater abstraction. The boundary conditions of the three-dimensional mathematical model have been formulated in the paper. Three-dimensional modeling of GWL change in contrast to two-dimensional allows taking into consideration the dependence of evapotranspiration on the presence of artificial coverings on the soil surface, which have uneven structure and have different filtration coefficients, to cause the due changes in GWL of urban areas. The groundwater level changing nature under the external factors influence has been determined in the paper. The necessity of creating three-dimensional mathematical models to describe groundwater level changing and improve forecasts of their changes has been substantiated. A three-dimensional mathematical model of groundwater level changing of urban areas has been developed, which takes into account atmospheric water infiltration, additional groundwater replenishment, transpiration, evaporation, evapotranspiration, and groundwater abstraction. The boundary conditions of a three-dimensional mathematical model have been formulated.
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