



multispectral image; spatial resolution; radiometric resolution; orthogonalization; analytical signal; Hilbert transform; index of structural similarity


Method of increasing the spatial and radiometric resolution of digital images of remote sensing recorded in arbitrary number of spectral intervals of radiation - carrier of video information is proposed. The method is based on the use of analytical signals corresponding to the brightness distribution functions of the fixed spectral channel images. It is shown that Hilbert conjugated components of these analytical signals are orthogonal to functions of brightness distribution of spectral channel images and have extended dynamic range of brightness levels distributions. Based on the analysis of analytical signals representing the brightness distributions of digital images recorded in different spectral channels, a way of incorporating in the distribution of brightness of images of these channels is a component with a higher than the original linear resolution while maintaining spectral information. Implementation of the proposed method includes the following steps: pairwise orthogonalization of brightness distribution functions of fixed spectral channel images; constructing analytical signals for each orthogonalized spectral component of a fixed multispectral image; replacement of Hilbert conjugated components of analytical signals of spectral images components by corresponding component of spectral channel image with maximum spatial resolution. Reconstruction of brightness distributions of synthesized images is carried out by sequential application of reverse Hilbert transform of generated conjugated components of analytical signals and transformation, and transformation inverse to used algorithm of orthogonalization the brightness distributions of images of spectral channels. It is shown that the proposed method ensures preservation of structural similarity of brightness distribution functions of brightness of initial and synthesized images for all fixed spectral channels. Energy entropy of brightness distributions is used as a quantitative measure of their spatial resolution.


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