straight line; plane; angle; metric space; rectilinear placement set of points; angular characteristic; flat placement set of pointsAbstract
The paper deals with the issues of geometric structuring of sets of points of an arbitrary metric space. Methods for constructing rectilinear and flat sets of points of metric space are proposed. Such sets are a generalization of the concepts, respectively, of a straight line and a plane in the classical geometry Euclid. The construction of such sets of points makes it possible to model various geometric images in metric spaces. The concept of rectilinear placement of points is based on the classical concept of 'lie between', which is widely used in modern geometric systems. The work uses the concept of an angle formed by three points of the metric space, and the concept of the angular characteristic of this angle. These concepts are basic for the definition of a flat placement of points in a metric space. In addition, the fact of the rectilinear placement of points can also be obtained using the concepts of angle and its angular characteristic. For establish the fact that the points of the metric space are flat placement, the Jungius formula is used to calculate the volume of a tetrahedron in terms of the length of its lateral edges. The condition for this volume to be zero is a sign of the flat placement of the four vertices of the tetrahedron. The paper uses a modified Jungius formula, in which the volume of a tetrahedron is calculated in terms of the lengths of its three edges emerging from one vertex and the cosines of plane angles at this vertex. Since such calculations are rather laborious, it is proposed to carry out them using the 'Calculator' software tool. With the help of this calculator, you can determine whether there is a tetrahedron with given edges, and if so, calculate the volume of such a tetrahedron. The paper gives examples of rectilinear and flat placement sets of points in different classical metric spaces. In particular, examples of such sets are considered in the space of continuous functions on an segment and in the space of Riemann-integrated functions on an segment. Some examples point to the 'non-Euclidean' concepts of rectilinear and flat placement of points. This allows modeling the basic concepts and properties of non-Euclidean geometries in metric spaces.
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