modeling, structurally inhomogeneous materials, mechanical processing, thermomechanical processes, defect formation, criterionAbstract
Thermomechanical processes accompanying the processing of products from structurally inhomogeneous materials are considered. The presence in the surface layer of processed products of stress concentrators in the form of various kinds of inhomogeneities of hereditary origin introduced during process receipt of workpiece and subsequent types of mechanical processing are the main indicators of the bearing capacity. The lack of studies on the influence of inhomogeneities formed in the surface layer of products during process of the mechanical processing on their functional properties and, in particular, on the bearing capacity or wear resistance determines the relevance of constructing a mathematical model of defect formation during physicotechnical processing of structural elements using the criteria of fracture mechanics. A numerical-analytical model has been developed to determine the thermomechanical state of structurally inhomogeneous materials that contain inhomogeneities such as interfacial cracks and inclusions during machining. Based on this model, the functional relationships of the crack resistance criterion with controlling technological parameters are determined to ensure the qualitative characteristics of the processed surfaces of the products. The developed model makes it possible to take into account the influence of inhomogeneities of technological origin (from the workpiece to the finished product) that occur in the surface layer during the manufacture of structural elements on its destruction. The solution of the singular integral equation with the Cauchy kernel allows one to determine the stress intensity in the vicinity of the vertices of structural defects that form in the surface layer of products during their mechanical processing, and by comparing it with the crack resistance criterion for the material of a structural element, one can determine the state of the surface layer. In case of violation of this criterion, the defect develops into a main crack. Modeling of thermomechanical processes during the mechanical treatment of structural elements allows us to obtain a criteria ratio for the condition of the balanced state of defects that arise in the surface layer of products depending on technological parameters.
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