



artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Intelligent Search, Classification, Clustering, Co-Filtering


Proper search plays an important role in the context of information saturation. Every day more and more information is indexed in search engines, and therefore the amount of information waste is increasing. To search for information on the Internet, it is increasingly important to use artificial intelligence algorithms to produce more accurate results and filter out unnecessary information for a search query. The methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence that are used to search for information were investigated during work. The cofiltering algorithm, classification algorithm, and associative rule search algorithm were chosen to search for scientific and educational information in the e-learning system. The algorithms have been modified and used to search for material based on user interests. The remote database was expanded, tables were created: search history, unique searches (no repetitions), keywords, unique keyword searches, user relationship with keywords. The tables gave the opportunity to organize intelligent search by a given criterion. The article provides an algorithm for storing keywords and linking keywords to a search query and to a user. Using this algorithm, if a search is performed according to a specified criterion, a list of keywords appears when searching again. These words are similar in content to a given criterion; they were used in the viewed materials. This list is formed of keywords for the article that interested the user. Thus, it is possible to identify the priorities that the user has when searching for scientific and educational information. You can use the search keyword as needed. The user can save links to a particular resource if they were useful. These links are offered to another user who is looking for the same information. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithm in the search module, the search engine has greatly expanded the search capabilities. The search system takes into account the interests of each user and is part of a e-learning system. Users have the opportunity to conveniently and quickly search for scientific and educational information.


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