construction objects, life cycle, BIM-technologies, structural-parametric modelingAbstract
At present, computer information technologies are widely used in architectural and construction design processes, which are implemented using CAD/CAM/CAE (Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing / Computer Aided Engineering) systems, such as ArchiCAD, Allplan, Revit, SAPPHIRE, LIRA-SAPR, etc. These tools received the generalized name BIM (Building Information Modeling), which means building information modeling. One of the main components of these programs is computer graphics, implemented on the basis of parametric geometric modeling. Structural-parametric shaping is its promising further development. Therefore, the improvement of relevant methods, techniques and algorithms is considered an important scientific and technical problem. BIM-technologies significantly contribute to increasing labour productivity, the quality of the results of the work for many construction design organizations. The publication analyzes the current state of appropriate automated systems in order to take into account the existing requirements of users for computer design, identifies some urgent tasks for its improvement. The proposed new algorithms are aimed at solving the outlined issues, improving the computational efficiency of software, ensuring the optimization of the obtained engineering solutions in certain technical and economic aspects. The accumulated mathematical apparatus is characterized by universality, i.e. independence from the content of specific production problems. The study presents relevant examples of its use. The openness of modern computer information systems allows users to create their own software applications that effectively solve specialized tasks. This provides a flexible adaptation of existing automated systems of architectural and construction design to the requirements of practice. Therefore, the question of developing new productive algorithms for computer structural-parametric modeling is quite relevant. The article identifies some directions of further scientific research in given area.
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