development, manufacturing enterprise, modeling of the state of the production system, management, optimization, state spaceAbstract
The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments on the identification of the spatial state of the production system to assess the effectiveness of its functioning and optimization of target functions in solving development management problems. The main goal of the study is to develop an approach to modeling the development management system of a manufacturing enterprise. The problem of managing the development of production systems has shown that each level of analysis of the state of the enterprise and assessment of the dynamics of its development and the problem situation corresponds to an aggregated set of estimates that take into account both individual indicators and their different groups. The relevance of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that the process of managing the development of an enterprise is becoming more and more weakly structured and random, and therefore there is a need to manage this process. Studies of the issue of managing the development of enterprises with a deliberate change in the parameters, structure and properties of the system and perturbation of the external and internal environment require the use of new management models, with each new model should be better replaceable. The proposed approach to modeling the development management system of a manufacturing enterprise and its practical implementation makes it possible to determine the dominant development parameters of manufacturing enterprises and to track in a timely manner the impulses and state space of the production system as parameters for its development. Analysis of the state of the production system and assessment of the dynamics of its development show the need for the formation of a system of generalized vector-scalar, situationally oriented indicators. The presented indicators of production system in the form of a state vector of the incoming and outgoing vectors can be basic for identifying the state of the enterprise, and can also be used to assess the effectiveness of its functioning and for optimizing target functions in solving problems of managing the development of the enterprise.
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