mathematical model, optimal control, averaging method, transient, ship complexAbstract
Studies of the main dynamic characteristics of the energy systems of ship systems in the steady state under the action of a disturbing force are relevant. This is especially confirmed by the creation of control systems for ship power plants. In the article, the authors developed a mathematical model of the dynamics of the ship complex taking into account transients and found control that ensures its movement with a maximum average speed and minimum fuel consumption per unit of track. The differential equations of motion of the ship complex in a dimensionless form under unsteady conditions are considered. For optimal control of this facility, an optimality criterion was developed, which is connected by functional relationships with the characteristics of the ship complex and with which an optimum is achieved. The tasks of optimal control were set and solved in order to find a control that ensures the movement of the ship complex with a maximum average speed with differential connections and boundary conditions, and a control that provides the minimum average fuel consumption per unit of the way of the ship complex. at a given average speed of its movement. It is established that the values of the main characteristics of the power plants of the ship complex significantly depend on all parameters of the system, therefore, approximating functions of these characteristics are introduced for modeling. Since the obtained control law is valid for any disturbing functions, an automatic control system with the characteristic of a speed controller in the driving link maintains a near optimal regime under the action of arbitrary disturbing forces, including non-periodic ones. Studies conducted for ship complexes showed that the magnitude of the increase in ship speed under unsteady conditions of change in parameters reaches 8%. The degree of control depends on all parameters characterizing the ship complex and the state of the sea. The obtained ratios during modeling and optimal control of power units of ship complexes made it possible to analyze fuel consumption per unit of track with optimal control using the dynamic programming method in comparison with the corresponding constant control.
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