sphere of unit radius, spherical curve, tangential torso, strip, sweepAbstract
The problem of constructing a torso strip, which is tangent to a non-disjoint surface along a curve on it, arises when the approximating the non-dispersed surface by expansion bays. An algorithm for constructing a torso strip, which is tangent to a sphere of unit radius, is developed. The initial condition is the analytic function of the unit vector of the variable direction. The trajectory of its end defines a spherical curve, which is a guide for the torso and a line of contact with the surface of the ball. The parametric equations of the torso and its sweep are derived. A concrete example is considered. By the equations found, a torso strip tangent to a sphere of unit radius is constructed. By numerical methods, its scanning is constructed. The aim of the paper is to create an algorithm for constructing a torso strip tangential to the surface of a ball along a given curve on it. The problem is solved analytically using differential geometry of surfaces, numerical methods of integration. When the independent variable of the vector of unit radius changes, its end will describe a spherical curve. Any vector (for example, points of a space curve) can be reduced to a single vector. The form of the spherical curve depends on the functions describing the unit vector. This curve can be taken as the line of contact of the torso to the ball. The straight line generatrix of the torso will pass through this line. The work shows the directing vector of a rectilinear generator. For this, the unit vector is differentiated by an independent variable and reduced to the unit vector. The vector product of the initial and obtained unit vectors will give the guiding vector of the torso generator. All rectilinear torso generators cross the spherical curve at a right angle, that is, the torso obtained is related to the orthogonal grid of coordinate lines that are curvature lines. Examples of construction of explored disjoints are given. The practical significance of the problem lies in the fact that it allows us to approximate the ball by strips of torsos along a given line on it and obtain the sweeps of these bands.
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