adaptive management, road markings, formulaic entry markup, detectors of transport, transport system, traffic light, competing traffic, the throughput of the lanesAbstract
The task of traffic regulation in the city remains relevant for many years. Crossroads are places where traffic jams are formed, there is a pollution of exhaust gases and the emergency danger increases. The stochastic nature of the change in the intensities of traffic flows approaching to the intersection from different directions makes difficult the task of the efficient intersection management. Most research in the field of traffic management in the road network is focused on improving management through traffic signal regulation. In this case control actions are changes in such parameters as the duration of the traffic light cycle, the number of traffic lights and their order. Often this set of changes in the parameters of a traffic light object is not enough, and the traffic jam at the intersection keeps growing. Traffic load image can significantly change during the day, which leads to inefficient use of the bands, some of which can be overloaded, and some can be idle, although its capacity can be used for traffic in the other direction. The paper suggests a method for increasing the throughput of a crossroads by introducing dynamic road markings. We introduce a classification and numerical description for different types of markup. This description represents the throughput in different directions for a given type of markup. Here we give an example of all possible types of marking for a two-lane entrance to the intersection. We propose a method for selecting a specific type of markup depending on the current state of traffic flows. Intersections should be equipped with electronic displays showing the current state of marking, which is determined by dividing the lanes into a direct and opposite direction, as well as by the permitted directions for each lane. The type of markup is selected by the controller installed at the intersection and acting on the basis of the vehicle counting sensors located along the perimeter. The proposed method of organizing traffic allows to increase the throughput of intersections and the transport network in general, to reduce the number of traffic jams and the resulting pollution.
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