




grinding ore, energy efficiency, secondary converter, rationale


This publication is devoted to the justification of the secondary converter of the system for monitoring the energy efficiency of ore destruction directly in the drum of a ball mill. The primary transducer here is an elastic plate, and the deflection of its central part due to the destruction of the ore at the impacts of the balls through the transfer element is the output value, which can be fixed either by displacement or deformation. The secondary converters of the system for monitoring the energy efficiency of ore destruction in a ball mill drum are subject to increased requirements, mainly for high accuracy in detecting small displacements and vibration resistance. There is a wide range of measurements of such parameters. Therefore, the method of optimization at the first stage of research discarded funds that are objectively unsuitable for the implementation of these functions. Among those that are supposed to be suitable, the method of analysis excluded from the list the means that cannot be realized as a result of specific reasons. Promising devices turned out to be new for this purpose magnetic induction and strain gauges. An analysis has shown that a strain gauge transducer can perform signal conversion functions. Magnetic induction transducer was studied by modeling. It is shown that he, equipped with a Hall transducer, can fix such movements precisely and linearly. Magnetic induction transducer with a winding can provide additional information about the speed of movement of the elastic plate when the ball strikes. It has been established that both types of transducers are suitable as secondary transducers for moving the central part of the elastic plate. Both transducers require the installation of an intermediate transfer element connected to the central part of the elastic plate. Magnetic induction - to ensure the movement of the moving element with a magnetic material in a plane parallel to the non-magnetic strip, and strain gauge - to ensure the deformation of a small beam with two identical transducers to compensate for the effect of temperature and increase sensitivity. The prospect of further research is the development of secondary converters of magnetic induction and strain gauges types.


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