
  • V.M. BABKA



screw surface, particle motion, weight force, trajectory, speed, Darboux trihedron, equations of motion


The movement of a particle along a helical surface under the action of its own weight is considered. The axial section curve of the helical surface is given by parametric equations. The equations of motion of the particle after its stabilization are compiled, that is, for the case when the particle moves at a constant speed. The equations are compiled in projections onto the orths of the Darboux rolling trihedron. One of them is directed tangentially to the trajectory of the particle, the second is normal to the surface, and the third is perpendicular to the first two. The first and third orths form a tangent plane to the surface. The particle is at the top of the trihedron. When it moves together with a trihedron at a constant speed, all forces acting on the particle are balanced. The curvature of the trajectory, which creates centrifugal force, and the surface roughness are taken into account. By eliminating the system is reduced to one equation with one unknown, allowing you to find the distance from helix points to its axis. After that you can find the speed of the particle. A separate case is considered when the axial section of the surface is a straight line, that is, the helical surface is an oblique helicoid. In this case, the equation is simplified and the solution has an analytical expression. Some curves of the axial section of the surface require the use of numerical methods for solving equations. The examples are considered, the surfaces with trajectories of the particle motion are plotted are built. The influence of the structural parameters of the surface on the nature of the particle motion is investigated. The pitch of the helical surface is essential. The movement of particles of technological material with different friction coefficient was studied. The trajectories of their motion are constructed, allowing to visually assess the distribution of particles with different coefficients of friction over the surface during movement.


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