



design tools, equipment with MPS, rigidity of frame assemblies, programs: Tools Glide, Tools Response, Tools App, elastic squeezing, deformation analysis, NC correction


There is a variety of design tasks, especially the problems of choosing the optimal (under external constraints) solutions where it is necessary to analyse a large number of factors and process a large amount of information. In the engineering industry there are tasks of finding the optimal layout in the space of possible designs of modular structure equipment. The development of related auxiliary mathematical tools for solving similar problems for the layout space of the frame structure equipment with parallel actuators, focused on the implementation of technological operations for processing materials, is considered. Today it is difficult to imagine the designing of products and designs without the use of certain CAD systems. The most crucial role among the variety of CAD / CAM / CAE programs is played by finite element analysis packages. The range of tasks solved by them covers almost all areas of engineering calculations: strength, oscillations, stability, dynamics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and the like. A separate part of the program are geometric modelling systems that allow you to work with forms in three-dimensional space (changing the shape of a model, adding and removing parts of it, detailing the shape of a visual model, etc.). Modelling the work of frame processing equipment is possible, and often necessary, when searching for the optimal layout. Mathematical models and software products for quality assurance of multi-coordinate equipment of machine-building and related industries are considered. A phenomenological approach based on the input data of the static prototype layout indicators with the subsequent theoretical determination of the decision areas and the variation of all variables for the creation of other new layouts of the equipment with given technological properties is used. Software has been developed for calculating the inverse kinematics problem for mechanisms of parallel structure, which in turn can be used as a post-processor to determine the performance of any new machine layout. Variants of methods for analyzing kinematics and calculating data obtained in computer mathematics systems are given.


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