information and technical system, local operational monitoring, soil, samples, variability, size, research, functional structure, software, program code, management algorithmsAbstract
Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of agrobiological state of agricultural lands, allows us to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient management of agrobiological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production, which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agrobiological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. In connection with this, the task is to use a fundamentally new class of information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment. The purpose of this research is to develop and substantiate the functional structure, software, writing code and algorithms for managing the executive bodies of the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of the soil environment of agricultural lands. The result of the use of the system for determining the electrical conductive properties of the soil environment of the Alexander Brovartsya design is to obtain a profit increase of 20-30% at the expense of optimizing the norm of seeding of the technological material, taking into account the agrobiological state of agricultural lands.
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