




information technology, near-infrared spectroscopy, computer visualization, medical diagnostics


One of the modern approaches to the diagnosis of various types of diseases in medical practice is the use of high-density diffuse optical tomography devices, especially in those places where it is not always possible to access traditional tomography equipment such as computed or magnetic resonance imaging. For example, on the battlefield or at a considerable distance from the diagnostic centers. And before the clinicians who participate in the diagnosis and treatment of craniocerebral injury, tumors, etc., is the difficult task to provide optimal rational diagnostics with minimal expenses, to objectify the indications for hospitalization and to determine the fastest effective method of treatment. The paper discusses the main approaches to the construction of an information subsystem for diagnosing the operation of optical channels during measurements in real time, which allows us to quickly respond to the identified artifacts in the received signal and make decisions on their elimination. Methods for object-oriented programming, system programming, computer graphics, sets theory and methods for analyzing discrete signals were used to develop the proposed subsystem. To store the results of the research and further analysis, the MySQL database management system was used, which is easy to adapt to different platforms and is quite powerful and developed for both stationary and mobile subsystems and applications. Microsoft Visual Studio and the C # programming language were used as a tool for the development of an information subsystem that allows you to create various secure and secure applications running on the .NET Framework. In order to test the quality of the optical signal in real-time, calculations of optical density were performed at certain intervals depending on the interval set by the user. The quality of the optical signal is represented as the signal strength map (SNR), which includes the signal / noise ratio for combinations of all the closest and closest to the closest pair of source detectors. These maps visualize uncertainties related to poor optical coupling of light emitted from the source fiber bundles into the tissue as well as light reemitted from the tissue into the detecting fiber bundles. Real-time mapping allows for detection of optical signal issues during fixation of the optodes on the head.


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