



vinterization, sunflower oil, waxes, waxy freezing compounds, low angle laser light scattering. LALLS method, Fraunhofer diffraction, Mi theory, Fredholm equation


The purpose of this study is to controls for the inclusion of waxes in sunflower oil and to develop a method for controlling the size fractions of waxy compounds in sunflower oil in the process of vintrization using the method of diffraction photometry. In most cases, the residual content of waxy substances in the process of vitration is determined by the subjective method, analyzing the transparency of the product. Quantitative analysis of the content of phospholipids by gravimetric method, that is, the method of "wet chemistry", is carried out only at the beginning and at the end of the periods specified in the technological map that regulates the process of freezing. The method of laser diffraction or Low Angle Laser Light Scattering (LALLS) is used to determine the size distribution of particles, and is based on the analysis of the light scattering profile that occurs when illuminating the particle by laser irradiation. To obtain data on the size spectra, concentration, specific surface area of particles of the dispersed phase, we use the solution of the inverse problem of constructing dimensional spectra based on the scattering indicatrix. Since for a sufficiently large particle the deviation of light occurs mainly due to diffraction, the Fraunhofer theory of particle size measurement can be used up to the micron range. The proposed methodology has qualitative advantages in speed and automation of measurements while preserving the accuracy and reliability of the standard results in the field of techniques of relative gravimetry or gas chromatography with preliminary purification of oil per column. In the framework of the research the model of the measuring instrument was tested, the mathematical model and method of application of the optical measuring device of small-angle light scattering (by the LALLS method) in the diffraction photometry of the fineparticle spectra of the fine particles were confirmed, and its economic practicality and efficiency were proved. The method and instrumental measuring instrument described in this study allows the method of express diagnosis in real-time mode or with discrete intervals close to it to conduct absolute and relative measurements of granulometric indices of fine particles of waxy nature in sunflower oil.


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