navigation bridge, navigation, vessel, trajectory of motion, safety of navigation , INMARSATAbstract
At present, providing navigation safety is an important scientific area. In accordance with the requirements for safety of navigation, a managed vessel may be considered as a vessel under direct control (own ship). In relation to the rest of the vessels, the term "shiptarget" will be lawful. All objects within the water area, other than the own vessel (which are ships, and are not shipsм – for example, the coastline), are called obstacles. Static objects are objects without motion, dynamic objects − moving vessels that change speed or course. Taking into account the influence of the environment during the decision of the tasks of navigation security means understanding the direction and strength of the wind or currents. Solving these problems is an urgent task. Methods of navigation safety for vessels was analized: - Methods of early detection of the possibility of dangerous convergence of vessels; - Management methods for leaving the ship from dangerous convergence; - Methods of planning the trajectory for the safe movement of the vessel. A more perspective method for planning the trajectories of vessel traffic can be considered a method of calculating the maneuver of vessels evading, based on the combined direction of the relative speed vector with the direction of the line connecting the vessels. The informational support for navigator’s decision making is an actual and important engineering task. This is especially true for difficult conditions of navigation, the inconsistency of criticisms and the rapid change of input and output parameters. Changing the vessel's parameters requires an analysis using the latest technology and the use of mathematical and technical means and methods. These requires are a quick analysis of the variable information, taking into account the fluid factors for the successful accomplishment and achievement of the goal by the marine industry. Personally by navigators and captains in accordance with the basic requirements of rules and conventions of IMO codes and guidelines.
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