



multilayer glazing, stress-strained state, impact resistance, wave propagation, punching


The article is devoted to the investigation of the response of a multilayer glass to speed impact by an axisymmetric solid. The glazing of the aircraft has a multilayer structure, the carrier layers of which are made of silicate and organic glass, polycarbonate, which are joined together by bond layers. Such structure allows to provide a smaller structure weight with account all requirements to structure strength. The purpose of the work is to create a calculation method for assessing strength of the multilayer aviation glass when interacting with the impactor simulating a ball. The method includes an algorithm for determining dynamics of the impactor penetration into a multilayer glass. The differences in the breaking of fragile and plastic material are analyzed. When impact by a thin-walled homogeneous structure, which is made of brittle material, as a result of the interaction of the straight and reflected deformation waves, the knocking of the so-called Hertz cone is observed. When punching a multilayer glass, the impactor knocks out these cones from the glass and pushes them in front of it. As a result, the pressure on the next layer until the destruction of the cone acts on a larger area, and the speed of the impactor decreases due to the involvement in the movement of additional weight from the knocked cone. The evaluation of bulletproof of multilayer glass is based on the analysis of penetration depth of the ball into the package and propagation process of deformation waves in a glass. To estimate the penetration depth of a impactor into a glass, an empirical relationship is used to calculate stresses on the contact surface of the impactor with an target, and to analyze wave propagation we use threedimensional equations with allowance for attenuation according to the Kelvin-Voigt model. The empirical dependence reflects the known determination of the value of media resistance as the sum of strength and inertial components. This addiction is complemented by a mechanism that describes the process of sequentially knocking out the Hertz cones and their involvement in motion. The test calculation of several compositions was made, which confirmed the approach efficiency. The proposed method can be applied to the calculation of bullet resistance of glazing of military and special vehicles.


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