forced vibrations, Bond number, surface tension, liquid free surface, boundary and finite element methodsAbstract
Fluid oscillations in cylindrical, spherical tanks or reservoirs with more complicated shapes, taking into account technical features and mathematical modelling are usually performed by using finite and boundary element methods. It is possible to solve problems arising in science and technology by numerical methods. The development of electronic computers and the use of numerical methods allow to supplement or replace direct experimental research (modelling the stability of dams, launch vehicles, earthquakes). The oscillation parameters are determined by computer simulation. The technique of studying the behaviour of the free surface of a fluid in a cylindrical tank under the influence of horizontal harmonic loading is developed. Different parameters of external influence are considered. It is believed that the fluid that fills the shell is homogeneous, incompressible, and ideal and the fluid motion is vortex-free. The fluid is inviscid, so there is a potential for the velocity of motion that meets the conditions of the Laplace equation. The ratio of the gravitational and surface tension forces is determined by the Bond number. Dynamical and kinematical conditions are recorded for the free fluid surface. The dynamical condition consists in equality of the liquid pressure on the free surface to the atmospheric one. The kinematical condition supposes that particles initially belong to the free surface will remain on this surface during all consequent time. This paper analyzes the modes and frequencies of fluid fluctuations at overloads at low gravity. As an example, a cylindrical shell partially filled with liquid was considered. As a result of the numerical simulation, the lowest frequencies of the fluid oscillations are obtained, taking into account the surface tension at different Bond numbers. Changes in the shape of the free surface at different frequencies of the driving force are obtained. Thus, the application of this technique made it possible to perform a study of the behaviour of the liquid at changing the Bond number and under overloads.
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