additional groundwater replenishment, groundwater level, evaportanspiration, flooding, mathematical modeling of groundwater level changingAbstract
The mathematical modeling of groundwater level changing with influence of artificial surface covers and evaportanspiration factor has been developed in the paper. Objective of research is to improve the forecasts of groundwater level changing for environmental safety of urban areas flooded by groundwater. The prediction of maximum groundwater level altitude for the Kharkiv city, without taking into account the evapotranspiration effect on the 50 years perspective, indicates that for the 1st year the level rise will be 0,03 m, and for the 50th year near 1,5 m. In order to optimize groundwater balance using the proposed mathematical model for the ensuring ecological safety of urban flooded territories the expense and profitable balance of groundwater parts have been provided. Balancing occurs by the additional groundwater replenishment reducing in 2,4 times, that means to reduce additional groundwater replenishment an average on 240,000 m3/day, and increase the groundwater extraction in 15 times, that corresponds an average 300,000 m3/day. Also, the forecast of groundwater level changing included evapotranspiration effect for the 50 years future has been provided in the paper. Under artificial covers for the 1st year, there will be 0,05 m of the level rising, and for the 50th year it will be 2,56 m. On the territory, free of artificial covers, groundwater level will be stabilized by the evapotranspiration action. Thus, the proliferation of artificial surfaces in the city will contribute reducing the evapotranspiration effect and groundwater level sustained increase and flood development. Adequacy evaluation of proposed mathematical model on the actual groundwater level monitoring data has been realized. The adequacy evaluation is carried out on two different landscaped areas. The first section is mainly located in the middle of the private sector, and has a free surface. The second section is practically completely covered with artificial covers. The calculation results on the model have determined the good correlation between the calculated and actual monitoring values of groundwater levels. This indicates the adequacy of proposed mathematical model to real physical conditions.
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