
  • L.S. FONAR
  • V.O. PANIN




IT project, higher education institution, project management, SWOT analysis, risks, social networks


The aim of the conducted research is to analyze the risks associated with the implementation of an IT project for the administration of web resources aimed at improving communication between educational institutions and stakeholders. The use of online social networks can facilitate the dissemination of departmental news, achievements of students and teachers, interesting events, educational offers, internships, participation in competitions, and more. Creating pages on social networks will allow the department to help graduates stay in touch, find collaboration opportunities, exchange information, and also organize meetings, events, and joint real-life projects. The main causes of IT project failures can include poor management, insufficient engagement of stakeholders, inadequate requirement analysis, changing requirements during development, insufficient communication, and more. All these factors pose risks to the success of project implementation and adherence to planned metrics in terms of cost, time, deadlines, or quality. Additionally, in managing project risks, it is important to consider that most IT projects are unique and sometimes have no analogs. Therefore, risks for each such project have their own specificity. It is crucial to examine the risks of an IT project for a web resource in communication with educational institutions, taking into account the organizational characteristics and structural departments of the educational institution, properties of social networks and online communication, as well as the problems arising from the use of third-party web resources that project executors cannot influence. Within the article, a comprehensive overview of potential risk situations that may arise is conducted. Four internal and four external environmental risks of the project are identified. For each identified risk, the cause of its occurrence – the risk factor is determined. The most common risk factors for the chosen project are human resources and force majeure. The cumulative risk analysis enables developers, managers, and stakeholders to better understand the importance of security aspects and planning for the successful implementation of the proposed IT project while minimizing potential negative consequences.


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