




maintenance, diagnostics, reliability of systems, control parameter, reliability indicators


The priority tasks of a scientific and technical nature, the solution of which creates conditions for improving the process of operation of complex technical systems and equipment, include: the introduction of modern hardware, methods and software and algorithmic support for parametric control and diagnostics of equipment, means and proven technologies for the application of methods of non-destructive control of elements (units) that fail during operation. Solving these tasks requires the use of analytical, statistical, and other methods and approaches for determining and evaluating system reliability indicators. This article is devoted to the study of analytical support for the operation of complex, in particular, information systems and technical equipment. The article defines the features of analytical support for the operation of information systems and technical equipment in the conditions of modern challenges, provides the definition of reliability indicators and evaluation of the level of failure of complex technical objects. The conducted analysis of scientific works on this topic revealed that currently there are insufficiently researched and there are no well-grounded recommendations on considering the impact on the value of the statistical assessment of the product reliability indicator of the calendar term of its operation along with the earnings. The authors proposed a scientific approach that allows a qualitative assessment of the level of reliability in relation to previous periods of operation. At the same time, the impact on the statistical evaluation of the exploitation intensity indicator is not considered. Statistics on failures and malfunctions are obtained under unstable observation conditions, which significantly affects the accuracy and reliability of the assessment. One of the partial tasks of the research is to improve the methodology of statistical control of the reliability of technical equipment units, considering the influence of the intensity of operation and unstable observation conditions.


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