3d-panorama, spherical panorama, technology for creating a spherical panorama, stitching images into a panorama, stitching of raster images, mathematical methods of stitching raster images, digital tools for processing graphic informationAbstract
Creating three-dimensional panoramas allows users to get an impressive immersive effect and a sense of presence. Thanks to the development of software and corresponding algorithms, the creation of three-dimensional panoramas from ordinary photos has become more accessible. 3D panoramas have found application in various industries such as tourism, real estate, virtual reality, video games, design, and architecture. Three-dimensional panoramas are an important element in VR and AR applications. Users demand interactive and engaging content, which encourages popular social networks and websites to implement and support 3D technologies. The work explores the issue of creating a virtual spherical 3d panorama for the Facebook social network. The technology of creating a virtual spherical 3d panorama with the help of modern digital tools is proposed. The relevance of the proposed technology is due to the development of the field of digital design and user demand in social networks for new graphic information processing technologies. At the first stage, we consider the techniques and peculiarities of the process of photographing a room with a conventional camera. At the second stage, an overview of modern digital tools for stitching photo frames into a spherical scan is performed; stitching of photo frames is performed according to a standard algorithm, which is based on mathematical methods of processing color images in RGB format and includes the search for control points on each photo frame, comparison of such points, alignment and mixing of images. At the third stage, the metadata of the scanning file is corrected, taking into account the requirements for image parameters, which are necessary for recognition and display by means of the Facebook social network. At the fourth stage, a test publication of virtual spherical 3d panoramas is carried out on the Facebook social network.
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