port grain storage, unloading trolley control, transport and technological equipment control, nonpositioned mechanism, deterministic route states, virtual graph, dump trolley drive state graphAbstract
The paper considers the elevator unloading trolley control model, which complements the existing general transport and technological equipment control models, which allows formalizing the process of writing the trolley control program. In the process of research, the problem of developing and implementing software for control systems of grain transport and technological routes is formulated from the point of view of construction mathematical models of transport mechanisms and routes control in the part of control of the unloading trolley on port grain storages and reinforced concrete grain storages of old buildings. The reason and perspective of the further use of the unloading trolley in the technology of grain movement is shown, and it is justified why the previously published equipment control models cannot be applied to the solution of the problem as it is. An analysis of the probable technological scheme of grain unloading in a reinforced concrete silo at PrJSC "Kherson Bread Products Plant " was carried out based on photo materials from open sources. The probable number, location scheme in the under-silo floor, operating conditions of the trolley, and the number of their target positions are justified. Features of the use of the unloading trolley during the management of the transport and technological route are shown. The possibility of using a unified representation of a previously known control model of non-positioned mechanisms for controlling a dump trolley as part of a grain transport-technological route is considered. It is shown how to use the previously known general control model of a non-positioned mechanism to control a cart. For this purpose, it is proposed to encapsulate in the transition state of the control model of the non-positioned mechanism, a virtual graph of the control of the dump trolley during its movement. The transition state of the control model corresponds to the operation of moving the trolley along the conveyor at the stage of route preparation for grain transportation. The trolley movement control graph is presented in the form of a functional Petri net and an explanatory table to it. The advantages of the proposed graph from the point of view of increasing the unification of the approach, the reliability of the software solution, the possibilities of replication, integration into general approaches and the management model of the transport and technological routes of the grain storage are shown.
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