


fuzzy controller, simulation model, optimal control, lubricator lubrication system, ship’s main engine


The article is devoted to the study of approaches to the construction of highly efficient and highly reliable control systems for the process of injection of cylinder lubricant of marine engines in various modes of operation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential possibilities of implementing fuzzy control algorithms for the construction of a lubrication system regulator that would ensure effective control of the process under the influence of external disturbing factors. The object of research is the system of fuzzy control of processes of impulse lubricator lubrication of ship’s main engines. The subject of research is the regulator of the process control system of impulse lubricator lubrication of ship’s main engines based on fuzzy output. To achieve the goal, the work analyzed the structure of the pulse lubricator lubrication system, determined the disturbing factors, in particular the influence of fuel parameters on the lubrication process, and their influence on the functioning of the system. Based on the requirements for the quality of the lubrication process, which involves increasing the resource of the main engine, ensuring safe operation, increasing reliability and ensuring survivability in the event of emergency situations, minimizing labor costs for maintenance due to accurate dosing of cylinder lubricant, the task of optimal control is formulated. Taking into account the non-stationary nature of the model parameters of the control object, the feasibility of using fuzzy algorithms to determine the parameters of the controller setting is substantiated. The structure of the fuzzy controller was developed, the input and output parameters were determined, and the corresponding membership functions were constructed. Based on the analysis of the operation process of the lubrication system and taking into account the criterion of optimality, a rule base was formed for determining the proportional and integral components of the regulator, on the basis of which a mathematical model of the fuzzy regulator was built, which describes its operation in the conditions of different modes of operation. Research conducted using a simulation model showed the effectiveness and feasibility of using fuzzy algorithms in lubrication system regulators.


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