


spectral density, air flow, sea agitation, Dryden model, Stewart platform


The article considers the possibilities of modeling various kinds of aviation, marine, and ground disturbances to form control or disturbing influences of the control system for moving the centre of rotation of the working surface of the Stuart platform. The influence of environmental factors on various types of technological tasks performed by mechanisms based on the Stewart platform is shown. An overview of existing idealized models of atmospheric turbulence and sea waves is given. For the mathematical description of the sea wave spectrum, several spectra of Y.M. Krylov, A.I. Voznesensky – Y.A. Netsvetayev, G.A. Firsov, Pearson-Moskovitz, Neumann, Brettschneider, and Hasselman (JONSWAP spectrum) are proposed, and for the description of atmospheric turbulence, spectra based on the Davenport, Carman, and Keymal functions are proposed. Both of these phenomena, under certain assumptions, can be considered as a homogeneous and random isotropic vector field with a Gaussian distribution of components and zero mathematical expectation. The possibility of their use in a fractional rational form in the creation of a shaping filter is shown, and their spectral densities are constructed. Examples of spectral densities of random disturbances acting on a helicopter or a sea vessel obtained during a full-scale experiment are given. The analysis of these spectral densities suggests that to formulate requirements for the development of a system for automatic control of the movement of the working surface of the Stewart platform, it is necessary to have prior information about the oscillations it should reproduce. The conditions for the development of a multidimensional shaping filter for the formation of control or disturbing influences of the control system for moving the centre of rotation of the working surface of the Stewart platform are presented. For this task, the use of a shaping filter based on the standard Dryden model is substantiated. The spectral densities of the Dryden model signals have a transmission range that is not less than, and in some cases an order of magnitude greater than, other spectral densities, which makes it possible to reproduce the signal completely without damage.


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