



marketing activity, banking institutions, model ensembles, cost optimization


Marketing activity of banking institutions in the modern world is a key component strategy of their development and competitiveness. Attracting new customers, maintaining existing ones and introducing innovative financial products becomes impossible without an effective marketing strategy. In the conditions of growing competition in the market of banking services, optimization of marketing costs becomes a strategic task for banks The purpose of the study is to use theoretical knowledge to develop effective models based on ensembles using parameter tuning to optimize the costs of marketing activities of banking institutions, which will reduce marketing costs and increase the effectiveness of marketing activities. The article examines an approach to optimizing the costs of marketing activities of banking institutions using several types of ensemble models. In particular, random forest, gradient boosting, extreme gradient boosting. The authors investigate the marketing activities of banks and how to effectively use ensemble-based models in RStudio environment to achieve maximum results, using a dataset with data from a Portuguese bank's marketing campaign. Detailed analysis includes examining factors collected by the bank about customers and evaluating their impact on the final analysis of the customer's decision. Also, in the research process, the methods of under-sampling, scaling and finding the optimal number of features are used to improve the modeling results. As a result of the study, it was found that the effectiveness of the marketing campaign when using models is actually 2 times higher than without them. The results of the study are a valuable guide for banking institutions to optimize their marketing activities. The use of model ensembles can contribute to increasing the effectiveness of marketing senses, reducing costs and increasing competitiveness in the financial services market.


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