


ship hydraulic system, malfunctions, diagnosis, simulation models, dynamic characteristics, dynamic portraits


There are several methods of computer diagnostics of thermodynamic characteristic failures of ship mechanisms with a hydraulic drive. The most promising is the method based on the use of special software for computer modeling. Forecasting the work of the ship’s hydraulic system as a dynamic system allows for its diagnosis to use measured parameters, not only by spot assessment of their values at certain time intervals, but also to monitor the processes of their complex changes. To implement this task, it is necessary to accurately localize the faulty unit in the vessel’s hydraulic system and quantitatively estimate the magnitude of the malfunction using computer diagnostics of thermodynamic characteristic failures of its operation. To diagnose these characteristics, simulation models of the operation of hydrodynamic nodes are used, which take into account the main malfunctions in the operation of the entire hydraulic system of the ship. The proposed technique allows at the initial stage of work to assess the impact of one or another malfunction on the change in the dynamic parameters of the entire ship system. As a result of practical information and data from literary sources, characteristic malfunctions of the ship’s hydraulic systems have been determined. The reasons for their appearance and influence on the operation of hydraulic units in general are considered. The authors provide an analysis of the operation of the simulation model of the aggregates taking into account characteristic malfunctions with the help of computer diagnostics of thermodynamic characteristic failures of operation, implemented on the example of a typical hydraulic system of remote control of the brakes of windlass stars. A comparison of the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic system in good condition and when one of the typical malfunctions occurs. The obtained results indicate the differences between transient processes in a working and a faulty HS. Thus, when gas leaks from the PGA, the frequency of switching over a fixed period of time, as well as the gradient of the flow and pressure parameters, decreases. In this case, the limit values reached by the HS parameters remain unchanged, which confirms the possibility of its functioning in the event of this malfunction.


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