



information technologies, electronic tables, orthodromic, loxodromic, spherical trigonometry


Specialists who service maritime transport are required to have a high level of qualifications to be in demand on the market. Benefits in this part are presented to the ship's officers' warehouse – navigators, ship mechanics, electromechanics, and communication specialists. All this is ensured by the items of maritime knowledge in the profile initial deposits, which allows you to undergo testing by the qualification commission with the assigned rank established by the regulations on the rank of the command warehouse of naval vessels. All educational programs that are implemented in connection with the extensive training of seafarers must constitute a system of interconnected documents, regulated by the MARPOL-73/78 Convention, the SOLAS Convention-74, STCW-1978 Convention, MLC-2006 Convention [1] she benefited from robot sellers. The method of the conducted research is the use of information technologies to solve professional navigation problems using the methods of high mathematics. Object of research: technologies for advanced professional navigation tasks. Subject of investigation: a comprehensive approach to the training of maritime personnel, which corresponds to the highest level of diversity among international maritime organizations. One of the branches that is taught during advanced mathematics is spherical trigonometry. The section covers both the theoretical part, so that the fundamental principles and the large number of mathematical formulas that relate the parameters of spherical objects, as well as practical matters, the understanding of which will require a lot of time, fragments of knowledge, are thoroughly explained Hunk's formulas are quite cumbersome. Therefore, the use of electronic tables as part of a tool for automating tasks not only provides the ability to optimize the initial process, but also demonstrates an immediate approach to analysing algorithms for solving problems using mathematical (computer) modelling. Prior to the transfer of professionally direct tasks that are faced by shipowners, such as navigational laying, the arrangement of loxodromic, orthodromic, with the regulation of changes in the ship's course and drift, as well as the arrangement of fuel reserves, water, provisions, the stability of the vessel, empty and with vantage, and much more. Carrying out the procedures quickly and accurately puts the preparation process in the right direction.


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