


information security, mathematical model, information system, models of differentiation of rights, unclear information


Wide penetration of mathematical methods in the development of information technologies characterizes the modern stage of our society. The article is devoted to the problem of applying mathematical models with ambiguity and is of a review nature. The effectiveness of various mathematical approaches in detecting and preventing cyberthreats is compared. Among the mathematical methods used in information and cybernetic security, a large niche is made up of models of delimitation of access rights in information systems. This justifies the choice and relevance of this study. The combination of cluster technology as a mathematical model of a wide variety of objects, phenomena and connections between them with today's popular mathematical models of rights delimitation is considered. The article outlines the main elements of popular mathematical models for distinguishing access rights in information systems. The analysis of scientific papers made it possible to determine the main areas of application of properties, characteristics of fuzzy sets and fuzzy algorithms in information and cyber security. Among them, studies related to the use of various approaches to security are highlighted. It has been proven that the ability to operate with methods of presenting vague information and decision-making technologies contributes to the development of software and technical means of information protection. The combination of a cluster approach to the delimitation of rights with ambiguity, which will dynamically change during the operation of the information system, will allow flexible and effective implementation of the security of information systems. The article analyzes the role of mathematical models in ensuring information security and investigates the use of various mathematical approaches for analyzing and forecasting threats to information security. The authors consider modern modeling techniques and their application in the field of cyber security. Mathematical models can be used to develop data protection strategies in information systems. The study points to the importance of developing mathematical models for improving information protection measures and shows how mathematical models can help improve information protection systems.


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