


fuzzy logic, energy system, energy conservation, fuzzy sets and membership functions, water discharge, pre-peak control


Ukrainian industry, in particular coal and mining enterprises, is actively focused on energy conservation during the war. The threat of a blackout is pushing the government to reduce power consumption during peak loads. Mining enterprises are heavy consumers of electricity, but with the application of modern resource planning strategies, links such as drainage have great potential for energy savings. One of the solutions to reduce the electricity consumption of mines is to regulate the operation of consumersregulators, which allows balancing the load on the power system. However, pre-peak management of the drainage system requires an optimal regime and consideration of tariff zones. Rational management of pumping units and the use of algorithms for the classification of water drainage complex equipment can minimize the negative impact and pre-peak activation. The use of fuzzy logic for the management of drainage systems can help reduce energy consumption and optimize the operation of pumping units. The development of a decision-making system on the optimal strategy of work based on fuzzy logic can ensure effective management of the drainage complex, taking into account the load on the power system and other uncertainty factors. This work is devoted to modeling the operation strategy of the mine drainage system based on fuzzy logic using expert data on the grouping of pumping units to predict energy costs with the minimization of negative interaction and the possibility of automated pre-peak switching of pumping units. The paper analyzes methods and information technologies for the energy efficiency of mine drainage and decision-making support. As a result of the analysis of ways to reduce the load on the power system, the problem of modeling the strategy of the energy-efficient mine drainage process was formulated. A diagram of the functional structure of the decision support system has been developed. A fuzzy controller has been developed that formulates a strategy for switching on a certain group of pumping units in relation to load zones on the power system as part of an automated decision support system for the operator. The knowledge base of the fuzzy controller describes the operation parameters of the mine drainage complex, such as tariff zones, the current volume of water in the reservoir, groups of NAs by supply and efficiency.


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