



mathematical model, evolutionary search, binary choice relations, tubular gas heaters, natural movement of the heat carrier


The system of autonomous heating of industrial enterprises is considered. For heating, a tubular gas heater is used, which is placed directly in the production room. Natural or liquefied gas is used as fuel. As a result of the analysis of studies and publications, it is shown that traditionally for infrared tubular gas heaters, forced movement of the gasair mixture of the heat carrier is used with the help of supply or exhaust fans. The presence of fans as part of heating equipment increases capital and operating costs for heating. A new technical solution is tubular gas heaters with natural movement of the heat carrier, which do not use fans. The purpose of this work is to present the results of the development of mathematical modeling methods for finding optimal design solutions for a tubular gas heater with natural movement of the heat carrier. t is assumed that the results of the optimization will allow the use of tubular gas heaters with the natural movement of the coolant without fans as part of the heating equipment, which will reduce equipment costs and increase the reliability of the equipment. A mathematical model of a tubular gas heater with natural movement of the heat carrier in the form of nonlinear ordinary differential equations is presented, which uses Kirchhoff's second law, in contrast to mathematical models of linear tubular heaters. The problem of optimizing tubular gas heaters in the presence of restrictions in the form of equality and inequality is formulated. To solve the problems of calculation and optimization of tubular gas heaters with natural movement of the heat carrier, an evolutionary search algorithm with binary choice relations was used. The binary selection ratio for solving optimization problems of tubular gas heaters with natural movement of the heat carrier is given. The binary selection relation includes a function of the overall efficiency of the tube heater in the form of a coefficient of effectiveness and two constraint functions. The first limitation function is the dimensionless arithmetic pressure loss throughout the heater, which must be zero for a heater with a natural movement of the heat carrier; the second limitation function is dimensionless output for the permitted temperature of the outer surface of the heater. The results of the optimization and calculations of the operating mode of the heater with the natural movement of the heat carrier are presented, which indicate the possibility of achieving significant efficiency.


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