complex systems, choice of alternatives, functional value analysis, pairwise comparison method, mathematical apparatusAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of functional and cost aspects of software product development, which allows to evaluate the decisions made regarding the used technologies in the context of the theory of option selection and optimization of production processes. What is key for further practical application of project results. Choosing the most effective system development strategy, especially one that is important for modeling complex systems, is a critical step. Every stage of development is accompanied by risks, especially the initial stages that set the framework for achieving the goals of scientific research. Improper data collection and processing, choice of environment and development tools, monitoring of the execution of stages and adequate presentation of results can significantly affect the efficiency, reliability and economic feasibility of decision-making. The article describes in detail the process of solving the problem of choosing alternatives for a specific problem using functional cost analysis. The statement of the problem is presented, the theoretical information is presented, and the algorithm for solving the problem is given. As an example, the calculations of the solution to the problem of choosing alternatives for the development of a software product are presented, which allows you to visualize and analyze the results of a qualitative analysis of the dynamics of complex systems. The presented materials are part of the scientific work on the development of tools for calculating and visualizing the results of qualitative analysis of the dynamics of complex systems, through the practical application of the obtained results in economic models. Object of research. Qualitative analysis and visualization of the results of modeling the dynamics of complex systems, presented in the form of a system of autonomous differential equations. Subject of research. A set of software tools for calculating and visualizing the results of qualitative analysis of the dynamics of complex systems.
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