
  • O.S. MAZMANISHVILI National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”
  • N.G. RESHETNYAK National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”



electron beam, magnetron gun, electron dynamics, disturbed gradient magnetic field, mathematical modeling, experimental data


The paper considers the motion of electrons in the cylindrical magnetic field with variable strength along the field axis. The numerical model is used for the distribution of the magnetic field of the magnetron gun, in which the main field experiences random disturbances, as well as an algorithmic transformation of the experimental field data by analytical functions. In the algorithmic model, the normal random number generator with zero mathematical expectation and the variance, the value of which varies, is used as interference. The purpose of the work is to obtain the characteristics of the electron beam with energy of 20–30 keV in the longitudinal and radial directions during its transportation in the disturbed magnetic field of the solenoid of the magnetron gun. The algorithm is synthesized, on the basis of which the software tool is built, the use of which made it possible to simulate the main dependencies of the electron beam motion in the given disturbed solenoidal magnetic field. The article presents the results of numerical modeling of electron trajectories in the main magnetic field of the gradient-type magnetron gun with the secondary-emission cathode disturbed by interference. The formation of a beam with energy of 20–30 keV in the working volume of the gun during its transportation in the solenoidal magnetic field with large gradient is considered. The main characteristics of the electron beam are obtained. The influence of initial conditions during electron emission is studied. The basic characteristics of the electron beam were obtained during the simulation calculations. The limiting modes of the particle beam during their motion along the transportation axis were determined. The root-mean-square spreads of electrons along the vertical and vertical angle were chosen as the quality criterion. The dependence of the formation of the resulting particle distribution on the amplitude of the random magnetic field disturbance along the system axis was investigated. The dependence of the longitudinal scatter of particles on the amplitude of random disturbances along the vertical and vertical angle was obtained. It was shown that with the existing root mean square of the magnetic field spread disturbance in magnetron guns during particle motion, the characteristics of the electron beam in the main and excited fields remain similar and stable.


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