image processing, wavelet analysis, waviness, roughnessAbstract
The study of surface quality surface quality is an important engineering issue. Technological problems are among the of the most important, since their successful solution ultimately determines the performance performance of the designed products. One of these problems is to assess the impact of roughness, waviness, and deviations in the shape of the surfaces of parts on their functional properties [1–3]. The operational properties of machines and devices, their accuracy, reliability, and durability depend on the quality of the surface, its microgeometric and physical-mechanical state [1–3]. The quality of the of the treated surface is characterized by two main features: physical and mechanical properties of the metal surface layer and the degree of surface roughness [1–3]. The study of surface quality is an extremely important task in the context of technical and production processes. To understand the relationship between the characteristics of roughness, waviness and deviations in the shape of the surface of parts and their impact on functional properties is not only important, but also necessary to ensure reliable operation of machines and devices. After all, these factors determine the performance of products and their durability. To study of surface roughness and waviness are widely used to study of image processing and mathematical analysis, including wavelet analysis, which makes it possible to highlight the key characteristics of profile graphs. The use of wavelets in conjunction with digital technologies allows us to distinguish structures of different nature with high accuracy structures of different nature, which is important for understanding the processes that affect wear resistance, strength, and functionality of parts. Thus, the methods of of roughness analysis play a key role in improving production processes and ensuring high quality standards for machined surfaces.
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