


computer-integrated system, simulation, synthesis, filter, Stewart platform, software, servomotors, interface, Matlab, Simulink


The article is devoted to developing the methodology for creating the avionics carrier motions computer-integrated reproducing system in laboratory conditions using the Stewart platform with a help of the Simulink tools from the Matlab environment. The development and implementation of this methodology will allow to overcome the contradiction between the conditions of certification of avionics and the conditions of their operation at a real facility. In turn, overcoming this contradiction will significantly increase the accuracy of measuring flight parameters. The studying object is a Stewart platform prototype. The subject of the study is to determine the software and hardware means of simulating the spatial motion of an autonomous underwater unmanned mobile object as an avionics carrier. This article uses the optimal multidimensional filters for stochastic processes formation synthesis methods, visual object-oriented programming and analytical mechanics of parallel kinematics devices. Based on the analysis literary sources, the platformless inertial navigation system error characteristics dependence on the its carrier motions nature is shown. The technique is substantiated and its application is presented for creating a motion simulator of such a carrier based on the Stewart platform mock-up. This technique consists of six elements: interface controller choice for the Matlab software environment communication with the Stuart platform servomotors; installation and configuration of the selected controller for the Simulink tool software support package; structure and parameters synthesis of the Simulink model for the Stewart platform control signal generation subsystem; Simulink model for the solving the inverse kinematics problem subsystem development; subsystem for determining the drive motors rotation angles Simulink model development; platform motion control subsystem Simulink model development. The developed methodology allows designing and creating simulators of navigation information measuring device carrier in space stochastic movements based on the Stewart platform. This makes it possible to perform measuring devices dynamic characteristics certification in conditions close to real ones. The only limitation of the new methodology application is the requirement of matching the platform drives bandwidth and the practical width of the program signal spectrum.


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